Thanks for my fwens that be my first reader for the previous entry..it is hard to write about experience, some people will belief that im trying to pursue them for something that i couldn't help..it facts..including fwens (it is fwens like that?) that always negative thinking of everything and anything..
im always certainly sure that they ll come back n find solution for their problems..actually, they have problems (because i can see that) but the feel like there is no problems due to their initiative and attitude..
sometimes people do like to hide the problems and let it blow with the times..the facts is it would't works..trust me..
this is the story about the person who realized about their problems and searching the way out..
1. wife??
- Q: akak ni kan da berkawen ade suami sume..tp satu je dik..klu g kuar beli brg kan, die slalu jln blkg akak..anak2 akak faham n cakap jom la kite jln skali mama..akak taw suami akak x nak jln dgn akakn sbb akak ni gemuk, ye la anak dah besar sume..mkn x jaga..adik jgn gelak..ini memang hakikat hidup..
akak rs sedih jugak la..nak bt cne bdan dh cmni..bile jmpa adik ni akak rs lega sket..
memang akak nk berubah dik...
2. newly wife..
- Q: cici, kite rs jeles tgk cici skrg..ye la, dlu sama2 blaja nmpk cici len je..skrg ni da brubah..td bka fb ingtkan sape la..huhu...kite kan bru je kwen..tp bdn kite ade lemak kt byk tempat..n lgi kulit kite mcm kusam je..
x mo la cmtu..kite bru je kawen, nk jga rumah tangga jugak..tolong la ek...
3. exercise man
- Q: saya ni x mkn sgt pon..slalu mkn sikit ja..tp pelik la bdn sy x turun pon..still gemuk mcm dlu..rs mcm dah byk execise..tp lepas exercise tu mkn mcm biasa la..lapar kan g exercise..tp suke la tgk org yg bole krus n sihat..tp mkn mcm biasa gk..
eh, share la cne bole bt cmni....
4. sports man
- Q: sy ni tringin sgt nk bt aktiviti lasak, mcm wall climbing la ape la..tp cne nk bt nih..naek tanggan pon da letih sgggtttt...then cne nk bt surf beach..mau tenggelam saya nnt...sy kna bt sesuatu la..akak ade solution kan???
5. hospitalized??
- Q: cik cici, sy ni bru kuar hospital, ms kt hospital tu mkn n mnum mmg x de selera..akibatnya bdn sy trun 4kg..skrg ni sy underweight..nk bt byk bnda pon rs letih semacam ja..tiap bulan kna g hosp check kesihatan..sy x mo la selamanya bergantung kt ubat ja..rs sdey plak..x pe la ni ujian Allah..yg pasti Allah ada bg jln penyelesaian..
6. lots more story...
my amazing fwens have realized something need to be done..and also they are searching about the solution..the solution is everywhere..but the facts is...ARE U REALIZED???
Thanks for my fwens that be my first reader for the previous entry..it is hard to write about experience, some people will belief that im trying to pursue them for something that i couldn't help..it facts..including fwens (it is fwens like that?) that always negative thinking of everything and anything..
im always certainly sure that they ll come back n find solution for their problems..actually, they have problems (because i can see that) but the feel like there is no problems due to their initiative and attitude..
sometimes people do like to hide the problems and let it blow with the times..the facts is it would't works..trust me..
this is the story about the person who realized about their problems and searching the way out..
1. wife??
- Q: akak ni kan da berkawen ade suami sume..tp satu je dik..klu g kuar beli brg kan, die slalu jln blkg akak..anak2 akak faham n cakap jom la kite jln skali mama..akak taw suami akak x nak jln dgn akakn sbb akak ni gemuk, ye la anak dah besar sume..mkn x jaga..adik jgn gelak..ini memang hakikat hidup..
akak rs sedih jugak la..nak bt cne bdan dh cmni..bile jmpa adik ni akak rs lega sket..
memang akak nk berubah dik...
2. newly wife..
- Q: cici, kite rs jeles tgk cici skrg..ye la, dlu sama2 blaja nmpk cici len je..skrg ni da brubah..td bka fb ingtkan sape la..huhu...kite kan bru je kwen..tp bdn kite ade lemak kt byk tempat..n lgi kulit kite mcm kusam je..
x mo la cmtu..kite bru je kawen, nk jga rumah tangga jugak..tolong la ek...
3. exercise man
- Q: saya ni x mkn sgt pon..slalu mkn sikit ja..tp pelik la bdn sy x turun pon..still gemuk mcm dlu..rs mcm dah byk execise..tp lepas exercise tu mkn mcm biasa la..lapar kan g exercise..tp suke la tgk org yg bole krus n sihat..tp mkn mcm biasa gk..
eh, share la cne bole bt cmni....
4. sports man
- Q: sy ni tringin sgt nk bt aktiviti lasak, mcm wall climbing la ape la..tp cne nk bt nih..naek tanggan pon da letih sgggtttt...then cne nk bt surf beach..mau tenggelam saya nnt...sy kna bt sesuatu la..akak ade solution kan???
5. hospitalized??
- Q: cik cici, sy ni bru kuar hospital, ms kt hospital tu mkn n mnum mmg x de selera..akibatnya bdn sy trun 4kg..skrg ni sy underweight..nk bt byk bnda pon rs letih semacam ja..tiap bulan kna g hosp check kesihatan..sy x mo la selamanya bergantung kt ubat ja..rs sdey plak..x pe la ni ujian Allah..yg pasti Allah ada bg jln penyelesaian..
6. lots more story...
my amazing fwens have realized something need to be done..and also they are searching about the solution..the solution is everywhere..but the facts is...ARE U REALIZED???
hehehe..it is??
~ dont hesitate to contact me via fb : cik siti marsyitah ~
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