Tuesday 2 October 2012

turning point!!


nice pic rite?? so dis is my problem around mac dis year..huhu..it is normal situation for the person dat ignore the price of health...health is wealth..

the turning point that make changes in my life, when i see myself wif spare tyre everywhere n looks like i have double chin..even wearing baju kurung feel uneasy..n people starts to say ' berisi skrg, hati senang kot'..
but its meaningful comments for me..

the situation...how bout u?? same problem???

so..i think dis is the time for me to change..n i found my schoolmate..sitting next to me, when i was in form 5..
this is the testimonial..im really shocked to see her..it is about 8 years we didnt met..

dis is my fwen..fazreena...

do i have to explain more???

surprising rite?? dis is due to the commitment n seriousness facing the problems..
this is the turning point for me..n make me inspired..thanks for u my fwens that introducing me to the health world.. its HERBALIFE...

~ dont hesitate to contact me via fb - cik siti marsyitah 
      also tweet me @cik-syitah 


  1. Alhamdulillah.herbalife ni bukan ubat kurus tp makana cellular yg bernutrisi sihat..thats y aku mula2 berniat nak trun berat tapi bonus kulit muka suma sgt2 improve..mmg sgt2 luar biasa..aku personally think that herbalife nih mmg terrrbaikkkkkk~

  2. thanks fwen..dis is my fwen that is wowwww n amazing..
