Tuesday, 23 October 2012

auta dan fakta diet



hi olls!! have u give the best to your cell today?? cell derived our body system same like a car..need an extra care when comes to the engine problem..so, ask me how!!

dis entry to reveal the myth on diet..yeah, everybody have own opinion to this topic..but this is my experience n sharing wif u..

1. low fats or no fats at all - good for you
      > even diet, our body still needs to consume fats in order to get energy and transport the vitamins to our body..if langsung x amik fat..cne body nak functioning well???
     > by Lyndel Costain : women need 70gm fat an men need 40gm...kena consume gak fats nih..cne???
     > thats y, cut the fats yg ktia consume bukan TAK makan langsung..but how to get the low fats in our foods??? good queestion..
     > answer is : tgk pic bwh neh..still ade fats dlm shake HERBALIFE..but in low percentage..

zoom la ek..

2. cholesterol is bad 
   > cholesterol ni ada baek dan buruk nye..
   > the good thing is, kolestrol ni tolong build cells and hormon yg d perlukan oleh badan..dan akan transport kolestrol baek ni ke hati kita yg sgt perlukan kolestrol..
   > the bad things is, lemak tepu dlm meat, cheese, cream, butter (and so on) yg menyumbat arteri dlm bdn kita.. 
  > but kita ni consume kolestrol dlm jumlah yg byk..so, jadi la byk perkara x baek..

3. diet mengejut
  > diet mengejut mmg akan lost weight in short term, suppose diet tu adalah kita membakar lemak n calories dlm badan yg take time..
  > diet mengejut menyebabkan kekurangan muscle n tisu dlm bdn..pada hal this is the important thing dlm badan kita..
  > so kadar metabolism kita akn turun, then once kita stop diet mengejut ni badan bole naik..sbb kita tak burn off calories dlm bdn tu..
  > so cne nk burn kalori tu?? sy da cara..

ni teamix from HERBALIFE yg mmpercepat pmbakaran kalori n so on (ask me!)

4. makanan berlemak = cpt naek berat bdan
 > utk org yg nak gain weight, mkn byk2 bkn caranya..bt cmtu hnya merosakkan bdan ja..tapi ada cr yg lebih cerdik..
 > nk gain weight bkn setakat dr jumlah kilogram yg dh dicapai, tp dr semua segi..muscle gain pon kna amik berat..
> dlm HERBALIFE ni nk gain weight pon bole..shake juga, cuma cr mkn yg berlainan..
credit to:net doctor
5. byk mnum air nnt gemuk air
> hehe..klu dietician dgr ayat ni pon sure gelak..mne de gemuk air..
> byk mnum air x de masalah pon..in fact bila byk mnum air, byk mmbuang, secara tak langsung die mencuci kidney kita..hah! x kan x suka..
> every time kita membuang air kecil kita dh kurang kn 500gm berat bdn kita..x suke jugak??
> so mnum je air kosong..no doubt..
ni la water bottle yg sy bw ke mana ja sy pergi..2 liter, rasa incomplete if tak bawa skali..

nurul pon da consume HERBALIFE, anda bila lagik??

dont hesitate to contact me via fb cik siti marsyitah also tweet me @cik _syitah